Domination - £50

Dare to explore your secret, hidden desires? If so, London Tantric Massage welcomes you to submerge yourself to an exciting world of dark sensuality. We offer tantric massage with a nefarious twist that incorporates tie and tease, elements of domination and bondage. Our stunning, sultry and sadistic massage therapists will tease and please you to the very end.

Our dark, dominating tantric massage service is all about helping you discover your deepest fantasies by making you submit and let go of the control. As you let our dominatrixes take charge of you, your senses will become enhanced. You will surrender to the charms and expertise of your chosen London dominatrix and get the opportunity to explore your repressed desires in a safe and controlled environment.

At London Tantric Massage, we only work with highly trained and experienced mistresses who can help satisfy your darkest urges through the use of various toys and accessories. Sensual domination combined with dark tantric massage techniques will surely leave your heart pounding for more.

Let Our Massage Girls Pamper You to the Fullest

Adding domination to an erotic massage session is the ultimate way to relax. You can simply lie back and let our hot and sexy therapists take control of the entire session. From foot fetish to blindfolding and sensory deprivation, all tastes are catered for during a dark tantric rubdown session. Just tell us your desires and we will personalise the session as per your needs.

We highly recommend a tantric massage with a side of domination for those who wish to understand satisfaction at a whole new level. If you enjoy BDSM play an wish to uncover true erotic pleasure, book a London dominatrix for yourself from our expansive gallery. Our dominatrix therapists can come over to your place or you can visit them at their incall apartment.

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