Nuru massage - £50

When you seek the best Nuru massage experience in London, look no further than London Tantric Massage. A Nuru massage is a Japanese technique of comprehensive body to body massage and combines the elements of a tantric massage therapy. It is an entirely new class of daring, thrilling, sexy and intensely erotic encounter.

A London Nuru massage begins with a hot shower as the warm water prepares the body for the application of the slippery, colourless and odourless Nuru gel. This massage is given and received completely naked. Our captivating masseuses with an abundance of sex appeal will use her entire nude body to stimulate every inch of your body. You will find her gliding and sliding across your body, giving you the most stimulating experience that you can ever imagine.

The Nuru gel is not only used to make sliding effortless, but the gel also feels amazing on the skin. Made from seaweed, the gel does not cause any kind of allergic reaction and helps to create the smoothest surface for full body erotic slides. If you are not scared to get a little messy, the London Nuru massage is the perfect way to unwind, relax and satisfy your carnal urges.

Do not deprive yourself of the happiness of getting a Nuru massage in London. Check out our gallery of titillating tantric massage girls and select the one who makes you go weak in your knees for an exciting and arousing Nuru massage in London.

Without further ado, call London Tantric Massage set up a session of incall or outcall London Nuru massage. Our services are provided discreetly and we guarantee that it will be one of the most enthralling rubdown experiences of your life. You are bound to remember your encounter with our gorgeous massage girls for a long time.

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