Tie and tease massage -£50

London Tantric Massage provides a wide range of tantric, erotic massage services and one of our extremely popular services is a tie and tease massage. This is a highly exciting and arousing dominatrix style of massage. Our stunning masseuses will blindfold and tie you up to lead you into a new realm of eroticism. The lady will be in control and tease you using feathers, silk ribbons and her body sliding on top of yours. For an hour or two, you will be completely lost in this magical experience.

Our tie and tease massage sessions come with additional sensory stimulation and lay more emphasis on orgasm control. The rubdown is aimed at creating a highly sensual, charged and arousing experience.

Surrender Control and Let Our Massage Girls Dominate

There is nothing sexier than being dominated by an irresistibly stunning woman. Our massage girls are experienced in taking absolute control and they will make you obey. You just have to lose yourself and simply embrace your inner desires. If you are someone who is always in control of his life and yearn for a chance to explore your submissive side in London, we provide you with a seductive and extremely safe environment. You can surrender yourself to our gorgeous beauties and let them cuff your hands so that you cannot move or touch until ordered to. With your hands tied firmly, your chosen therapist will proceed to titillate and tease your senses.

So, if you like to be dominated and controlled or wish to try something outside of your comfort zone, our tie and tease massage in London is definitely for you. Browse our gallery to find the girl of your dreams and book her for an incall or outcall session. We are confident that the experience will leave you wanting more.

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