Latex and lace massage - £50

London Tantric Massage is one of the popular providers of latex and lace massage in London. This is one of our most indulgent and erotic massage therapies that perfectly blend authentic tantric techniques with elements of sensual domination. Our lace and latex massage is primarily designed for individuals who harbour a secret BDSM fetish. The session is completely taken over by our masseuse, and you are invited into her playground to experience supreme pleasure.

For this exclusive massage, our massage girls will dress in body-hugging lace gear and leather corset, giving you a tempting view of her hourglass figure and juicy breasts. From the very start of the session, our therapists will assume total control and lead you into a state of passionate surrender. The fabulous combination of relaxing tantric massage and BDSM play will give you complete and utter satisfaction.

At London Tantric Massage, we give you the liberty to transform any of our erotic and sensual massages into a lace and latex massage. For instance, you can get a body to body or Nuru massage and request your chosen masseuse to dress in spiky boots and lace leather outfits that will make her appear commanding and strict. Throughout the massage session, our therapists will dominate you and take charge of your body. She will stimulate your submissive side and make you obey her. Unless you want to be punished, you must do as she says.

Peruse our gallery of charming, titillating massage girls and select the one that makes your heart skip a beat. Surrender yourself to the magnetism of our therapists and allow her to take you to a higher realm of gratification. Our services are discreet and your exciting encounter will remain a secret.

So, go ahead and contact London Tantric Massage to relish being punished in the hands of our riveting therapists in London.

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