Extra lingam massage - £100

When one orgasm is just not enough, turn to London Tantric Massage’s extra lingam massage. Unlike normal lingam massages, our extra lingam rubdown has an extremely affectionate, spiritual and tantric approach. Our massage specialists do not hurriedly try to reach for your lingam and arouse it to a state of climax. They focus on fulfilling the body’s desire to be caressed and touched.

Our extra lingam body rub is not rushed. The session progresses slowly and our therapists first try to relax the body before paying their attention towards the groin area. Thanks to the years of experience, our massage girls make sure to take you on a wild journey through their erotic touch. Since we are not offering a conventional rubdown, you can look forward to experiencing multiple orgasms within a span of one or two hours.

London Tantric Massage’s extra lingam massage in London aims to totally relax your body whilst prolonging the ripples of bodily pleasure through titillating touch and sensual massage. Initially, our masseuse will introduce you to massage strokes that are purely focused on relieving you of your daily stresses and worries. Our therapist will start from your shoulder and back, and come all the way down to your buttocks and toes. You will also find her hands lingering in your inner thighs, searching for your manhood. Once your erogenous zones have been amply awakened or stimulated, our therapists will venture to play with your lingam or penis. Our therapists are known for their expertise in playing and teasing the penis skillfully and lovingly. With every stroke, you will be transported to a different dimension. As the session ends, you will be left gasping for breath and asking for more.

Experience stimulating and arousing extra lingam massage in London with the alluring masseuses of London Tantric Massage. We guarantee to provide you with an unforgettable experience.

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